E-Racer-Head (Eraserhead)
So I have gotten into 3dbotmaker lately, which is a great YouTube channel btw, and that got me thinking about customizing some 1/64 diecast cars. As usual, I got real weird with it! Made from Magic Sculpt and a lot of model paint, this is my bizarre love letter to one of my favorite directors.


Powdered Toast Man (Ren and Stimpy)
This is a former Justice League Atom Smasher figure with a Super Sculpey head. I used Testor's water-based model paint, as I usually do with custom figs. The hardest part was getting the expression just right.


Ash (Evil Dead 2)
This is made from a Famous Covers Spider-Man figure. I thought the Peter Parker face was way too Bruce Campbell-like, so I was inspired to make Ash. The clothes are repurposed Ken doll clothes, and the chainsaw is from a Dollar Tree wrestling toy. Add some paint for blood and some leather straps and voila!


This once was a beat-up Man-At-Arms figure, so I gave him an upgrade using the head from a dinosaur toy and some odds and ends.

Yo soy Batman.

Batman (Classic Colors)
This is one of those goofy chromed-out figs from the movie Batman and Robin that I painted with comic-accurate colors. That's a cut-up Wal-Mart bag for the cape. I shaped the cape with a lighter.

The power of Christ compels you!

Pazuzu (Demon Face)
This is just a repainted Mighty Mugg figure. The image of Pazuzu from The Exorcist is a meme from way back for me and my college pals.


Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) from Doctor Who.
This little guy was made from some caveman toy for toddlers and a Duplo guy for the head. The scarf is a fat shoelace. I actually made this figure before I even saw any episodes of this era of the show. Weird, I know.


The Maxx
I made this from a Maestro Hulk figure that broke in half. I glued it together and used Magic Sculpt to fill in the gaps. The head and feet were all Super Sculpey. His feet make him bottom-heavy, so he is really hard to knock over.

Spaaace Ghoost!

Space Ghost
This was once a Batman TAS figure, but with some Apoxie Sculpt, he was easily transformed into SG. (Turning a Batman fig into Space Ghost should be step one in any toy customizer's to-do list.)

Hey You Guys!

Sloth (The Goonies)
This is an original sculpt made with Magic Sculpt on a Joe body. The shirt was hand-sewn and hand-painted.


This is all Sculpey, baby. I love Q*Bert so much. Unfortunately, this toy fell and broke several years ago. Tragic.

letsa gooo!

Extreme Mario and Luigi
These were made from old wrestling figures. I actually sold these!

the end!

This was similarly made to the Fourth Doctor figure above. Another toy that broke, btw. Tragic.

This website is all copyright BSS, for what it's worth.
Also note that, if you are reading this, you are amazing and deserving of love and respect. :)