I did this somewhere in 2021 after watching a ton of Red Letter Media videos on Youtube. Still love RLM, btw.
I finished this painting recently. It was a painting that I started as a present for my wife in like 2008 or 2009 and just forgot about. NANANANANA BATPUG!
An imagined crossover for two of my favorite shows! I want to go the alternate universe where this episode actually happened.
This was a fun painting to do. By the way, if you have never seen either The Munsters or Dark Shadows, two really great Sixties TV shows, you should watch them!
This is a painting I did like eleven or so years ago when I was huge into wrestling. (I dunno why he is on an ostrich. It must have made sense at the time.)
Any MSTies out there? THis is an obscure reference to one single episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 where the character TV's Frank dressed up as the superhero Doughy Man. Watch MST3k!
This one is another MST3K reference. Click on the image to watch the "Pod People" episode on YT and enjoy one of the best episodes of MST3K!
SPAAAACE GHOOOST! This is just some SG fanart that I did a few years ago when I was trying to learn how to use gouache for the first time. Great show, if you haven't seen it. The first Adult Swim show, really. Very funny stuff.
IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME! This is a very recent painting I did of my favorite member of the Fantastic Four. I like it when he goes "incognito" as if we couldn't recognize him in this getup.
Anyone remember this old Sega game character? Decap Attack feat, Chuck D. Head is one of my favorite Sega games, so I thought I would give Chuck a modern makeover.
Here are the stars of arguably the best cartoon of all time. Fun fact: when my local TV station stopped running this show when I was 5, I wrote a letter to TV Land begging them to put it back on. Not the TV network mind you, just the abstract concept of a land where TV exists for real. My Mom kept it and she still has it.
A mashup of two great things: Plastic Man and Spider-Man. This is based of course on Amazing Fantasy number fifteen, which introduced the world to Spider-Man.
I painted this like 30 years ago after I read The Dark Knight Returns for the first time. It blew my mind at the time,quite honestly.
This website is all copyright BSS, for what it's worth.
Also note that, if you are reading this, you are amazing and deserving of love and respect. :)