The Web Site of B.S.

Tribute Page

Our Family
Tribute Page
My Art

A page dedicated to the people that have influenced my life...

Some of these pics link to the person's website, so click away to learn more. And bt the way, these are in no particular order, so don't get a swelled head or anything. . .


  • name: maxim stanislavich yeryomin
  • alias(es): bartholomew, minski, maximus, officemax
  • affiliation: friend, cohort, co-writer
  • occupation: tea merchant, humorist
  • typical quote: "time for some serious Kirking!"
  • note: is foreign
  • inanimate object most similar to: brick

  • name: jared morrison
  • alias(es): j-mo, roy, flugen, johnny tay, johnny mitochondria
  • affiliation: ancient karate nemesis
  • occupation: music industry savant
  • typical quote: "don't you know he'll soak into the road like a lobster!!!"
  • musical style most similar to: acid jazz/top 40

  • name: o'riley sweat
  • alias(es): riles, rilo, rylon
  • affiliation: pet
  • occupation: pet
  • typical quote: "*snort*."
  • taco most similar to: gordita

  • name: rebecca bedingfield
  • alias(es): Jennifer, Spadoinkel
  • affiliation: really long-absent friend
  • occupation: sensitive artiste
  • hat girth: immense to absurd
  • typical quote: "Dude, I just totally possessed my dad!"

  • name: john michael rampy
  • alias(es): zippy, zipula,  thezipman, theblairzip, Tony Danza
  • affiliation: friend, co-writer,  former roommate
  • typical quote: "I ROCK...AND ROLL...ALL NIGHT LONG...SWEET SUSIE!!!"
  • favorite movie: shiloh 2 (really)


  • name: steven sweat
  • alias(es): steve, hucklebuck, li'l stinky
  • affiliation: my brother, NRA
  • occupation: musician, rentacenter worker drone
  • typical quote: "herbie, you are a car...that's alive..."
  • mythical beast equivalent: yeti
  • non-mythical beast equivalent: sloth

  • name: chuck nalley
  • alias(es): chuck nasty,  johnny smile, woody from toy story
  • affiliation: friend from the old country (waycross)
  • occupation: bidnessman, gamer
  • typical quote: "I . . .sure could use some corn right about now."
  • happy days character most similar to: potsie

  • name: les walker
  • alias(es): lestro, lestron 9000, the lesorcist
  • affiliation: partner in crime
  • occupation: leader of the revolution
  • typical quote (apocryphal): "Ohh, Let's ROOOOOOOCK!!!!"
  • note: not pictured actual size

  • name: roger strickland
  • alias(es): rog-o-licious, rog, thag the caveman
  • affiliation: friend, homey, old-schooler
  • occupation: captain of industry
  • special skills: drumming, flying planes, freestyle rappin'
  • note: is not really orange and blurry. Or is he? No.

  • name: jason pickens
  • alias(es): slim, pickens, slim pickens, finger-lickins, charles dickens
  • affiliation: vassal of sephiroth, the dark angel of the apocalypse
  • occupation: musician, I.T. master,  alligator wrestler/valet
  • typical quote: "I'm a pickens. and he's a grinnin'."
  • karate style most similar to: mantis

Contents of this web site copyright 2004 Brian Stacy Sweat except otherwise noted.
